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The term “fluid” is defined as the conductive liquid inside the conductive pipe, while the term “turbulent” is defined as the turbulent fluid inside the conductive pipe. The term “turbulence” is used also as a generic term to indicate the large scale turbulence, which is due to the action of the Lorentz force on the conductive liquid. The term “conductive” is used as a generic term to indicate the conductive liquid (e.g. steel), while “atmosphere” is the region outside the conductive pipe, where the fluid is under atmospheric pressure.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 a brief description of the analytical model is presented, while in Section 3 a brief description of the numerical code is reported. In Section 4 the results obtained from the numerical simulations are presented, while the paper is concluded by drawing the main conclusions.
In particular, the present work focuses on the analysis of the Reynolds stresses contribution to the fluid equation of motion, which is non-negligible in the IMB-type of EM braking devices. These stresses are due to the action of Lorentz force on the conductive fluid and are expressed in terms of the fluid turbulence kinetic energy. The present work is also the first attempt to develop a 3-D model, in order to have a deeper insight in the phenomena occurring in the IMB-type of EM braking devices. In this sense, the present model can be also considered as a starting point for the development of 3-D MHD codes for the study of EM braking devices.
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