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Introduction To Sociology 9th Edition Ebook Download |TOP|

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This thoroughly revised and updated ninth edition remains unrivalled in its vibrant, engaging and authoritative introduction to sociology. The authors provide a commanding overview of the latest global developments and new ideas in this fascinating subject.

This thoroughly revised and updated ninth edition remains unrivalled in its vibrant, engaging and authoritative introduction to sociology. The authors provide a commanding overview of the latest global developments and new ideas in this fascinating subject. Classic debates are also given careful coverage, with even the most complex ideas explained in a straightforward way.

The authors have expertly drawn together a wealth of insightful examples, supplemented by rich photographs and illustrations. The chapters are divided into five sections: Sociology: a History of Ideas and Approaches, Sociology: a Case Study of Humanity, Sociology: a Society of People, Sociology: a Social Scene and Sociology: A Community of Practice. 

 A crucial new feature of this new edition is the inclusion of a user guide, which provides key definitions and selected bibliographic sources from the first section. This is accompanied by an annotated index, which makes it easy to find the source quoted and to keep track of the authors, titles and subjects discussed.

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